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Law specializations can create career opportunities for individuals in business, politics, and as prosecutors and lawyers.Individuals who are interested in pursuing Law can choose to specialize in areas such as Constitutional, International, criminal, administrative, property, and civil law which include tort and family law matters. Legal systems that emphasize rights and responsibilities will be examined as well as the functions of the Executive, Judicial, and Legislative Branches of the government to enact and enforce the laws of the land.

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Law Enforcement Career Outlook

With a Law Enforcement degree, you will put yourself ahead of the competition in this competitive industry that offers great personal responsibility and exciting challenges. Jobs will increase as our society becomes increasingly security conscious and as drug and computer-related crimes continue to grow.
Jobs in the Law Enforcement industry include: Police officer, sheriff and deputy sheriff, highway patrol officer, detective, fish and game warden, DEA agent, special agent, customs agent immigration inspector and federal air marshall

Law Enforcement Salary Information

Average earnings for people with Law Enforcement degrees range between $45,000 and $65,000, and benefits and retirement packages are usually great. With education and experience, many people with this degree can advance to become lawyers, police chiefs or advanced agents.

Law Enforcement Required Job Skills and Knowledge

Most careers in the Law Enforcement industry require at least a diploma or associate degree. Employers look for candidates with good interpersonal and communication skills, sound judgment, as well as people who can maintain a professional and confident demeanor even in the most stressful situations. With a degree in Law Enforcement, you will learn how to conduct interviews, examine records, observe suspects, and participate in raids and arrests. Personal characteristics such as honesty, integrity and good problem-solving skills are very important as well.

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